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Jenny discovered the peace, happiness and ease of being that is inherent in our true nature through the Direct Path teaching of Rupert Spira and Francis Lucille. She has a love of science and mathematics, and sees science as a set of mathematical models which express the beauty of unfolding patterns of natural phenomena, not as ultimate truth. She considers openness to examining and abandoning all belief systems to be the principal prerequisite for the understanding of our true nature. In Jenny’s view, the spiritual path has no beginning or end. Nor is there any distinction between spiritual life and life in the world. When asked a question, she temporarily becomes a teacher; otherwise, she remains a student and enjoyer of all that is.

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Event Opening: Day 1

Christine E. Kiesinger Lyndsey Free Cyndi Krupp Susan Telford Marie Chase Oliver Blue Bill Free Jenny Beal Yaulanda Blue

Event Opening: Day 3

Cyndi Krupp Lyndsey Free Yaulanda Blue Bill Free Jenny Beal Susan Telford Christine E. Kiesinger Oliver Blue Jenny Sheehan Marie Chase