About this speaker
Venkatesh N. Deshpande (Desh) is an Electronics and Communications Engineer with an Executive Management degree. He has 30 years of experience in the Engineering and IT Industry. In his last professional assignment, he was the Global COO of a US Medical Solutions Company.
His spiritual journey started in 1977 with Transcendental Meditation. He was blessed in the spiritual path by Sadhus and Saints of The Divine Life Society (Sivananda Ashram), Rishikesh. His Guru is Swami Chidananda Saraswathi of Sivananda ashram.
In 2010, Desh joined the Ramana Maharshi Centre for Learning (RMCL) and is the Treasurer of RMCL and the President of the Research Centre.
Desh is very active in daily Satsangs and is a regular speaker in domestic and international seminars and workshops. He has dedicated his last 13 years to the pursuit of Self-Knowledge.
Email Venkatesh N. Deshpande: [email protected]